God is teaching me how to love
Love the people around you
Doesn’t matter who they are
Where they come from
What they believe
Love them
As who they are
It is HARD!!~
I told myself.
But this is a call from God
I just have to listen, be quiet and watch the work of Lord in me.
To see them speaking, walking
And doing things that is not pleasing to the eyes of the Lord.
I wanted to stand out
With all my own emotions in it
I wanted to say something.
But God said NO.
Just keep watching and be quiet.
God has to humble me first,
before I could do this.
That I need love them as who they are
Not what I can get from them
No attention seeking,
No jealousy
God will discipline me, He will nudge me
If I do make mistakes like the above mentioned
And He did.
He reminded me as a child of God
I should be able to overcome the world
Love them, but not the sin.
Do not agree with what they are doing,
But learning to love them
as Brother and Sister in Christ to be.
By whose strength I am doing it with?
The answer is obviously God.
Jesus Christ is God’s greatest Testimony of LOVE to the world.
It is not longer about my love which is so limited
But it is about the Love of God.
I cannot do this without His Love.
I am learning to speak a blessing to a Brother and Sister
Rather than keeping grudges inside my heart.
God really did an amazing job in my heart.
Thank You Father.