Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Messy Phase

3 weeks have passed since I got my posting on 10th Nov 2011.
How time flies...
But I'm still in the transition period.
I'm still adjusting myself to this brand new phase of my life;
afterall I had been living sedentary lifestyle in the past 5 months while waiting for my 'love letter'. = D

It was not easy especially for the first 2 weeks.
My brain was not efficient as all.
It was so lazy.
And I wasn't familiar with my new working environment as well as the workflow there,
so I was inefficient and I felt really useless.

I had high expectations on myself.
I was drowned in all the 'don't know's.
I gave myself tremendous pressure.
In just 2 weeks time, my soul was so downcast and I was basically dragging myself to my workplace each day.

Until God spoke to me..
He reminded me that there's a messy phase before things turn out to be beautiful.

Somehow this question came into my mind,
'Have you ever seen a beautiful concrete house appear in an overnight time?'

NO, of course.

Before every beautiful house was fully constructed and renovated,
it definitely needs to go through a messy phase.
A phase where you see cement everywhere;
stacks of red bricks at the sides;
paint spilled here and there;
wiring hanging around visibly, etc.

It's ugly.
It's not beautiful at all.
But it's a MUST.
There's no other way.
This is the process that needed to be gone through in order to reach the beautiful phase.

The same goes to human beings.
In terms of knowledge,
I can't reach the 'expert phase' before I go through this 'don't know phase'.
And for character wise,
God is using this situation and this transition to shape me and mould me into a better person.
A person that resembles Him
and a person that's beautiful in His eyes. = )

I came across this article during a cell group gathering last 2 months.
It goes like this..

A woman was watching a silversmith.
He held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up.
He explained that in refining silver,
one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities.

Then she asked the silversmith,
'How do you know when the silver is fully refined?'

He smiled at her and answered, 'Oh, that's easy- WHEN I SEE MY IMAGE IN IT.'

So, if you too, are in the same situation as me,
just wanna say, 'Rejoice and press on, for you are on the way to the beautiful phase~~' ; )

Wish you awesome days ahead.
God bless you. = )

By His facilitator


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